Growing An Indoor Jungle

A house plant care blog to help you transform your home into a lush sanctuary.

All The Tools You Need To Empower Your Plant Journey

Equip yourself with essential knowledge, expert tips, and step-by-step guides to cultivate a thriving collection of houseplants. Find inspiration for creating vibrant and inviting spaces, unleash your creativity with innovative ideas, and celebrate the transformative power of plants.

Top 5 Easy Care Plants home & garden plant guides problems & solutions

When it comes to enhancing the ambiance of your home or office space, incorporating indoor plants is an excellent choice, not everyone has a green thumb, and caring for high-maintenance plants can...

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Top 5 Plants for an Indoor Jungle Vibe home & garden plant guides problems & solutions

In today's fast-paced world, bringing a touch of nature into our homes can help us to slow down and find joy in caring for houseplants. Creating an indoor jungle is an exciting way to breathe life...

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Hauntingly Beautiful Houseplants Perfect for Halloween home & garden plant styling

The spine-chilling atmosphere of Halloween is just around the corner. And while many are contemplating the best costumes or carving pumpkins, we plant moms and plant dads, have another vital task...

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Best Grow Lights for Houseplants care & maintenance home & garden problems & solutions

As the days grow shorter and sunshine becomes a luxury, many of us are faced with the dilemma: how do we keep our indoor green friends happy and thriving? Enter the world of grow lights. Grow...

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Top 5 Fall Garden Tasks to Prep for Spring care & maintenance home & garden

The crisp autumn air, the vibrant tapestry of falling leaves—there's an undeniable magic to this time of year. But, while many see it as a time to wind down, gardeners know it's the prime...

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Fall Refresh for Plant Parents care & maintenance home & garden plant styling

Hello, dear plant lovers! As the air turns crisp and the leaves don a golden hue, it's time to think about embracing the seasonal shift. And, if you're anything like me – a devout plant...

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Top 5 Best Houseplants for Low Light home & garden plant guides problems & solutions

Greetings, indoor gardeners and plant enthusiasts! Let's shine a light (or not, as it happens) on the world of houseplants that can thrive in low light conditions. These are plants that are...

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Designing Your Indoor Plantscape with the Rule of Three home & garden plant styling

Creating a lush indoor garden that seamlessly integrates into your home decor can feel like a challenge, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, you can transform your space into a lush...

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Discover the Joy of Growing a Container Herb Garden home & garden

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of herb gardening? Picture yourself stepping outside your kitchen and plucking fresh basil, mint, or rosemary to elevate your culinary creations....

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