Growing An Indoor Jungle

A houseplant care blog to help you transform your home into a lush sanctuary.

Hauntingly Beautiful Houseplants Perfect for Halloween

home & garden plant styling
Houseplants with pumpkin for Halloween

The spine-chilling atmosphere of Halloween is just around the corner. And while many are contemplating the best costumes or carving pumpkins, we plant moms and plant dads, have another vital task — decking our spaces with plants that capture the essence of this eerie celebration. Dive in as I unveil some of my top picks for creating a hauntingly beautiful indoor garden this Halloween season.


Perfect Picks for Your Halloween Display

Dried cornstalks, ears of corn, and pumpkins from my garden always make an annual trip to my mantel and tabletops this time of year. But there are several indoor plants for spooky décor that seem especially perfect for Halloween!


ZZ Black Raven (Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Black Raven’)

Dark, mysterious, and absolutely striking, the ZZ Black Raven is everything you'd want for a chilling backdrop.

Appearance: Its deep purple-black leaves add a touch of drama and sophistication.
Care Tip: This plant, much like its green counterpart, is pretty hardy. Just be cautious of overwatering. Check out this article for an in-depth guide to ZZ 'Black Raven' care.


Alocasia African Mask (Alocasia Polly)

Also known as Elephant Ear, this plant is an eerie fit for your Halloween decor.

Appearance: The arrowhead-shaped leaves with bold veins create an intricate pattern resembling a mask.
Care Tip: Ensure indirect light and keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy.


Syngonium Red Arrow

A splash of blood-red amidst green, this Syngonium variety is a stunner.

Appearance: Arrow-shaped leaves that boast a deep, velvety red hue.
Care Tip: Moderate water and indirect light work wonders for this plant.


Peperomia Ripple Red

Adding ripples of scarlet to your spooky setup.

Appearance: Its deeply ridged, burgundy leaves capture the feel of fall and festivities.
Care Tip: This plant thrives in bright indirect light and requires water only when the top inch of the soil is dry.


Conclusion: Spooky, Yet Stunning

Halloween isn't just about ghosts and goblins. It's an opportunity for us plant lovers to get creative and add a touch of nature's magic to the festivities. These plants not only elevate the haunted aura but are also stunning additions year-round. Here's to a Halloween with a green twist! Happy Haunting (and Planting)!


Is there anything more comforting than a happy home filled with plants?

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