Growing An Indoor Jungle

A houseplant care blog to help you transform your home into a lush sanctuary.

Fall Refresh for Plant Parents

care & maintenance home & garden plant styling
Fall Refresh for Plant Parents

Hello, dear plant lovers! As the air turns crisp and the leaves don a golden hue, it's time to think about embracing the seasonal shift. And, if you're anything like me – a devout plant parent – you know our leafy friends need some prep to gracefully transition into fall. So, let’s delve into the ways you can reset and refresh your indoor garden sanctuary and plant parent lifestyle this autumn.


1. Fall Plant Audit

Before anything else:

Check plant health: Inspect for pests or diseases. Treat any issues before the winter sets in, especially if your plants have lived outdoors on your deck or porch this summer.

• Note growth patterns: Some plants might have outgrown their pots or need a little pruning before you can find an appropriate space for the indoors this season. Don’t be afraid to prune your plants so they fit in a space that’s appropriate for them during the fall and winter months.


2. Rotate and Relocate

With the sun's angle changing:

• Shift some plants closer to the window to maximize the limited sunlight and move others deeper into your room—with the winter sun sitting lower on the horizon, I find the sun creeps further into my south-facing rooms than it does during the summer months, opening new spaces for houseplants to thrive.

Rotate plants every week to ensure even growth since some plants may begin reaching for the windows as the days grow shorter. Consider moving your plants around completely, as long as their new space continues to meet their needs. Like moving furniture or art, it’s amazing how refreshing this can be for your space!


3. Adjust Watering Routines

With reduced sunlight and cooler temperatures:

• Plants may require less water. Be mindful and adjust the watering schedule.

• As always, ensure pots have proper drainage to prevent root rot.


4. Maintain Humidity

As we crank up the heaters or use the fireplace, maintaining indoor humidity can become a challenge:

• Group plants together to create a humidity microenvironment.

• Consider investing in a hygrometer and a humidifier to keep track of and help boost your home's indoor humidity levels for your plant’s health and your comfort during the dryer months ahead.


5. Deep Clean Plant Area

Dust accumulates:

• Wipe down leaves with a damp cloth. It makes them shine and helps your plants better photosynthesize the reduced amount of light available to them as the days become shorter.

• Clean plant pots and surrounding areas, especially if your plants haven’t been on vacation outdoors for the summer—leaf debris has a way of accumulating between pots alongside dust bunnies.


6. Prepare Your Space

Set the scene for the cozy months:

• Incorporate warm-toned planters or mix pumpkins and gourds into your houseplant groupings to give them a fall harvest vibe.

• Add soft, warm lighting to highlight your plants and create a cozy ambiance. Consider making use of scented candles with botanical scents, which can amplify the planty atmosphere of your home.


7. Incorporate Fall Foliage

Celebrate the season:

• Add fall-hued seasonal plants like Croton or plants with autumnal berries.

• Consider a decorative pot or two with seasonal themes—I like to use painted baskets or wrap some of my larger planters in canvas or burlap totes to give them a warm and earthy look.


8. Update Your Plant Care Kit

Replenish and enhance:

• Stock up on essential tools like pruners, misters, and soil so they are handy and ready when you need them.

• Consider natural pest control options for the upcoming season and make sure you’re ready with supplies for an infestation—if you have enough plants, it’s probably inevitable sometime in the months ahead. It can feel empowering and less stressful to be prepared. This way, you can take action as soon as you notice any pest pressure and stop it from turning into a full-on infestation.


9. Reconnect with Nature

With the harvest season upon us:

• Take walks and collect fallen leaves or pinecones for decoration.

• Consider taking a walk or a hike in a nearby park or forest preserve to enjoy the crisp autumn air and brilliant fall colors. This might be a nice time of year to try out new mindfulness practices like “forest bathing” – check out our forest bathing challenge in plant club for ideas on how to get started!


10. Plan Ahead

Think about winter:

• Research plants that you wish to add to your collection in the coming months.

• Create a care guide for your plants if you have extended holiday travel plans and anticipate asking a friend, neighbor, or relative to check in on and care for your plants while you are away. A little preparation now will make holiday travel prep far less stressful.


In Conclusion

• Inspect and update plants and their placements.
• Adjust your care routines, especially watering.
• Embrace the fall with thematic decor and new plant additions.
• Prepare for the winter months ahead.
• Most importantly, don’t forget to take time to slow down and appreciate the changes in the season happening all around us.

The fall season is not just about the changing landscapes outside but can also be about revisiting and rejuvenating our green spaces indoors. Embrace this time of change, nurture your leafy companions, and prepare for a cozy, green autumn in your home.



Is there anything more comforting than a happy home filled with plants?

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